HR Digital & Data Science for HR Professionals
Date: 29-30 May 2023
Time: 9am – 5pm
Location: Singapore, In-person
The objective of this masterclass is to discover new techniques of applying HR digital transformation and HR data science to drive sustainable business outcomes using HR policies and HR practices. This masterclass provides new techniques for enabling you to develop your HR digital transformation skills and HR data science skills.
Key learning outcomes for Day 1:
- Draft an employee experience roadmap.
- Develop the lean canvas for the specific employee experience that you want to digitize.
- Develop a cost benefit analysis to justify a business case for a HR transformation initiative.
- Carry out bandwidth analysis to assess the current workload for your team/you to carry out a balanced workload between BAU (business as usual activities) and HR innovation.
- Draft a business requirement for the HR digital transformation case.
- Translate the business requirements into technology requirement.
- Develop an agile approach to iterate your HR digital prototype.
- Evaluating the final technology choice to enable technology adoption.
- Manage the waterfall project management with your vendor/in-house tech team.
Key learning outcomes for Day 2:
- Refine the HR data science case with your leaders and managers.
- Test the key hypotheses that you want to test using data techniques.
- Draw the link between the business strategy and the HR data strategy for your data science case.
- Develop and run the HR data collection process.
- Implement data visualisation and data cleaning to enable data sense making for your case.
- Identifying and implement the appropriate class of machine learning/analytics techniques.
- Test your analyses and hypotheses.
- Write your recommendations and present the narrative to your leaders.
- Explaining the policies to be implemented using AI/Data Science;
- Operationalising AI/Data Science into the company HR and business operations.
Who should attend
- People who want to get started in HR digital transformation and HR data science
- People who are in the technology team trying to work with HR teams
- Non-programmers executives that want to have an appreciation of HR digital transformation and HR data science
- Individuals that want to learn applied HR digital and data science
- Individuals that want to consider a career switch to the following related careers:
- CHRO/CPO of an early startup (hands-on CHRO)
- HR Data Strategist
- Executive for HR digital transformation
- HRIS Executive
- HRTech Executive
- Associate for HR digital transformation
- HR business analyst
- HR analytics analyst
- HR data engineer
- HR data scientist
- IT Business Partner working with HR
- HR Business Partner working with tech
- HR management consultant
Masterclass pre-requistes
In order to fully appreciate the workshop, it is recommended that you pick up or aware of the following skills prior to attending this workshop:
- Basics of Statistics
- Numerical reasoning
- Basic understanding of logic/logical thinking
- Basic ability to use Microsoft Office/Google suites especially Excel, Word, PowerPoint
- Basic understanding of computing (data storage, data structures)
- Basic HR practices like recruiting, reward, benefits, training, talent management
- 1-2 years of working experience/internship experience in a consulting firm/company that use software applications
About the trainer

About the trainer
Andrew Weida Liew
Data Science Partner
Andrew, a Singaporean has regional work experience in providing HR digital transformation, analytical, HR+people data science and supervised machine learning work for Fortune 500 companies and government agencies for the last 15 years specialising in business-driven human behavioural analysis and HR enterprise system development. Andrew has done over 20 digital and data science related projects by working and living in 10 international cities: Singapore, Bangkok, Seoul, Sydney, Kuala Lumpur, Canberra, San Francisco, Portland, Hamburg, Shanghai.
In addition, he has worked with Mckinsey, Boston Consulting Group, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure services on some digital projects. He was formerly a HR strategy and HR Analytics consultant at Hay Group (acquired by Korn Ferry) when he advised Fortune 500 companies on human resource matters using data and technology. He was also the chief HR data scientist for Singapore airlines and the VP of technology for customer analytics for DBS bank. He has a breadth of the following skills: data science management, digital strategy management, statistical programming, lean startup principles, product management, human resource and UI/UX design.
Prior to that, he graduated from National University of Singapore with a Bachelor of Science and completed his Master of Commerce from University of Sydney and Master of International Economics from Australia National University.
29 May 2023
- Orientation, motivation and purpose from class orientation
- Introduction to HR digital and data science in the modern workplace
- Business implications of effective HR digital and data science
- Quick quiz and FAQ
Scoping a data use case from an employee experience perspective
Part 1: HR digital transformation techniques
- Building user persona
- User journey roadmap
- Documenting workflow process
- Identifying touchpoints
Part 2: HR digital transformation techniques
- Identifying throughputs
- Risky assumptions
- Prioritising features
- Quick quiz and FAQ
Part 3: HR digital transformation techniques
- Drafting the business case
- Cost-benefit analysis
- Bandwidth analysis
- Change management analysis
- Quick quiz and FAQ
Part 4: HR digital transformation techniques
- Developing technical requirements
- Deciding build vs buy
- Testing for user acceptance
- Assessing for future data
Afternoon break
- Putting them together: HR digital transformation
- Application of HR digital transformation
- Case 1: Bandwidth management
- Case 2: Employee benefits fulfilment management
- Summary
- Class reflections
- Q&A and wrap-up
30 May 2023
- Day 1 recap and clarification
- Part 1: Introduction HR data science techniques
- Identifying outcome objectives
- Possible drivers
- Mechanics/concepts linking drivers to objectives
- Application of HR data science
- Recruiting cost effectiveness
- Setting up a business case
- Input-output analysis
- Cost-benefit analysis
- Setting up hypotheses
Morning break
- Developing a data strategy
- Data requirements
- Availability
- Integrity
- Transformation
- Developing the HR data collection process
- Data collection kit
- Metadata documentation
- Running data sense making
- Plotting data
- Cross-section
- Time
- Panel
- Basic data cleaning and data engineering
- Quick quiz and FAQ
- Selecting appropriate machine learning/analytical techniques
- Linear regression
- Logit regression
- Putting them together: HR Data Science
- Part 1: Application of HR data science
- Reward management: salary benchmarking
Afternoon break
Part 2: Application of HR data science
- Employee engagement prediction
- Trade off between recruiting and tooling
- Summary
- Class reflections
- Q&A and wrap-up
Singapore, In-person
29 – 30 May 2023, 9am – 5pm
Launch rate till 3rd of March 2023
SGD 2,700 2,000
*9% GST applies to Singapore based companies and individuals.
**Group discounts applicable.
- All bookings are final.
- Should you be unable to attend, a substitute delegate is welcome at no extra charge.
- HRO Masterclass Series cannot provide any refunds for cancellations.
- HRO Masterclass Series reserves the rights to alter the programme without notice, including the substitution, amendment or cancellation of trainers and/or topics.
- HRO Masterclass Series is not responsible for any loss or damage as a result of a substitution, alteration, postponement or cancellation of the event.